NKM Cyber Technology System is a process to ensure that necessary security controls are integrated into the new design model of digital cyber security and implementation of a project.

IT Security Consultant

We provide consulting for IT Security Problems, Knowledge, and Recommendation for Hardening/Securing your System.

Penetration Test

NKM provides Penetration Test (Pentest) also called ethical hacking, are security test (Attacking Simulation) for computer system, Network or Web Application to Find Security Vulnerabilities that an Attacker could Exploit.

Research and Development

We provide consulting for IT Security Problems, Knowledge, and Recommendation for Hardening/Securing your System.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assesment is the
process of Defining, Identifying, Classifying and Prioritizing Vulnerabilities in Computer systems, Applications and Network Infrastructures, Providing the Solutions.

Security Operation Center

We provide Conculting for SOC Knowledge and SOC System.